1. Jeffrey le 07-10-2022 à 12:38:27 (site)
Now, David takes this scenario a step further. Take the same restaurant, but put up silk walls between each table, so that no-one can tell if there is anyone sitting next to them. You don’t know if what you say is being listened to by someone unknown. You don’t know if the person at the table next to you is eating a hamburger, or their fellow diner. Perhaps the person has a pinhole thorough the wall and is staring at you. Maybe they have a microphone and are recording anything you say. You have no idea what, if anything, is going on behind that silk wall. You have real invisibility to anyone, but note the difference. You are hidden away from everyone! You can dance naked on your table, cut your table mates throat, and do anything! There is no accountability to your society, no penalties for any action, utter freedom to do anything you want, right? All those things you wouldn’t do in the previous scenario, you would be far more likely to do in this one, because you could escape being held accountable. https://buttercrypto.com/
Le passage de la saison estivale a la saison automnale a toujours lieu au mois de septembre. Cette date n'est toutefois pas fixe car elle dépend de celle de l'équinoxe d'automne qui a lieu les années le 21,22,23 ou 24 septembre
L'automne est une saison le plus souvent humide durant laquelle les jours raccoursissent et l'ensoleillement diminue. Cette saison qui suit l'été et précède l'hiver s'étend sur 4 mois : septembre, octobre, novembre et décembre.